Application Security

Five-Step Process

We provide detailed threat modeling and secure design consultation to help integrate with your SDLC. Our four step process ensures that you will fulfill your development process with a secure application at the end of it:

Design Review and Threat Modeling

Design review starts even before the application is written. Here we will work together with you to determine what the scope of your application will be. With our vast experience in application security, we can point out issues early in the development, as well as give advise on what to improve.


Threat Modeling

The results of our design review will be collected in the threat model, which will allow us to plan for your mitigations and long-term solutions. Threat modeling early helps you detect threat model drift, which can be detected over time. We will assist you in not only solving critical issues, but also planning out contingencies in the event of breaches or vulnerabilities.


Penetration Testing

Here we will dig into an application and begin testing all of its weak points. During testing, we use a combination of modern techniques and hands-on testing to find the hidden surface area of your code.



After threat modeling and testing is completed, we will assist you in fixing issues, and validating that any vulnerabilities have indeed been fixed. We always provide you with an executive summary that can be shared with third parties to demonstrate the effect of your remediation efforts, and the strength of your application.


Continuous Testing

Our team will provide the necessary tooling for automated scanning and review of your application for years to come. We will automatically alert you if any issues are found at any point. We help you keep a pulse on the security of your application.
